Stay-at-Home Dad Finds Success Teaching Pickleball as a Side Hustle

Stay-at-home dad Antoine Echavidre has found success teaching pickleball as a side hustle in California. Echavidre, 45, started playing pickleball during the pandemic and quickly developed a passion for the sport. Inspired by the community feeling and the willingness of others to teach him, Echavidre began offering pickleball lessons through the TeachMe.To platform in late 2023.

Echavidre typically teaches one or two lessons per day, with each lesson lasting around an hour or an hour and a half. He has made approximately $1,600 from his teaching work last year and has earned several thousand dollars so far this year. Echavidre considers this side hustle a game changer, as it has provided him with financial independence and the ability to pursue other interests.

According to Ted Rossman, a senior industry analyst for Bankrate, part-time or gig work can be beneficial for stay-at-home parents. It not only provides additional income but also helps build skills and relationships, which can be valuable for future career transitions. Rossman suggests that stay-at-home parents explore opportunities aligned with their passions and consider flexible work options that can be done during their free time.

Echavidre recommends that other stay-at-home parents pursue side gigs related to their interests. He believes that any activity one is passionate about can be turned into a profitable venture. Echavidre advises using social media platforms and reaching out to friends and previous work contacts to find potential opportunities. However, he cautions against potential scams and encourages individuals to be cautious when considering remote work opportunities.

Pickleball, America’s fastest-growing sport according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, has seen a significant increase in participation. The sport experienced a 51.8% growth in US participation from 2022 to 2023, with approximately 13.6 million participants in total. Echavidre has capitalized on this growing demand and has attracted many new players, particularly older and retired individuals.

Echavidre’s success in teaching pickleball demonstrates the potential for stay-at-home parents to pursue side hustles that align with their interests and provide financial independence. By leveraging their skills and passions, stay-at-home parents can find fulfilling work opportunities while balancing their responsibilities at home.

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